Post: 5:55 PM ET Bajan Sun scratched
Buen Samaritano scratched
Dr Timothy scratched
Race 2
Post: 6:25 PM ET
No Changes
Race 3
Post: 6:55 PM ET Gold Search scratched
Hope Joe's Right scratched
Race 4
Post: 7:25 PM ET Charbonnay scratched
El Sargento scratched
Only the Good scratched
Rulookinforrayray scratched
Stargazzers Dream jockey changed to Rocco J S Jr
Race 5
Post: 7:55 PM ET Starship Liberty scratched
Sweet Molly B scratched
Yolo scratched
Zeliha scratched
Race 6
Post: 8:25 PM ET
No Changes
Race 7
Post: 8:55 PM ET
No Changes
Race 8
Post: 9:25 PM ET
No Changes
Race 9
Post: 9:55 PM ET Big to Do scratched
Event Detail scratched
Royal Sandrin scratched